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The Orana Steiner School Board has ultimate responsibility for all matters relating to the running of the School. The Board’s role is to govern the School, which involves monitoring risk and compliance, financial performance, and sustainability.

The Board of Directors are elected by members of Canberra Rudolf Steiner School Association Incorporated. Directors are elected for two-year terms with elections being held at the AGM in May each year.

School Board Members:

  • Tracey Taylor – Board Chair
  • Renate Triffitt – Deputy Board Chair
  • Michael Janssen-Gibson – College Chair
  • Sunita Kumar – Chair of Finance Committee
  • Gemma Rose – P&F President
  • Gail Wright
  • Wesley Smith
  • Evan Terry
  • Ruth Underwood
  • Ruth Faragher


The Board has established a Finance Committee to assist in carrying out its fiduciary financial duties.

All matters to do with the day-to-day operation of the School or management issues should be referred to the Principal, James Goodlet, who can be contacted by telephone on 02 6288 4283 or email

The Board does not involve itself in specific management issues (such as discipline, the details of the curriculum, staff concerns, or the payment of fees).

Summary minutes of Board meetings are available for Association members in School Box.

To contact the Board Chair for a governance-related matter, please email

Written correspondence should be sent to:

The Board Chair
Private and Confidential
c/o Orana Steiner School
Orana Steiner School
Unwin Place, Weston
ACT 2611 Canberra