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The Admissions Process

The admissions process for places at Orana begins in Term 2. Offers are also made throughout the year when vacancies arise. The School holds waiting lists for all year levels. All application forms received are placed on a waiting list according to year of birth and in date order of applications received.

Once a completed application form is lodged with the School, you will receive an email response from the Admissions Officer within five working days acknowledging receipt of your application form. If you do not receive this email, please contact the School on 6288 4283 or

Admissions Policy

The first step in the admissions process is to complete an application form. This form is available in two ways:

You may also collect a copy either from the main School Office or from the Admissions Officer.

For students entering the Early Childhood years, please refer to our Early Childhood Handbook.

For students wishing to enter Orana from Year 1 onwards, we require copies of the four most recent school reports prior to the offer of an interview. Additional supporting documents may be required if applicable and referred to in the application including:

  • special testing reports
  • support plans
  • medical professional reports
  • copy of current Visa or Citizenship document.

Please note that an interview does not guarantee a place at Orana Steiner School.

The School attempts to offer equal numbers of places to boys and girls at its main entry points and endeavours to maintain a gender balance in all year levels. Preference is given to children of siblings, permanent staff, children of alumni (former students) and students who have previously attended another Steiner school.

Families wishing to enrol their children at Orana Steiner School should be prepared to support the policies, rules and disciplines of the School.

Important information: Applications will NOT be considered unless ALL supporting documentation is submitted. Failure to supply supporting documentation may delay the assessment of the application.

Applications cannot be considered unless all parents/guardians involved with the care or responsibility of the child are listed and have signed the application.

Entry Points at Orana Steiner School

The main entry points at Orana Steiner School are Pre-Preschool, Preschool and Kindergarten and Year 7. Of course, we welcome applications for all other year levels.

Age Requirements for Pre-PreSchool, PreSchool, Kindergarten and Year 1 Entry

Children need to have turned:

  • 3 by the end of the previous year to commence Pre-Preschool the following year
  • 4 to commence Preschool
  • 5 to commence Kindergarten
  • 6 by 31 December of the previous year before they commence Year 1 in February the following year.

Changes to Family Contact Details

Families are responsible for keeping their contact details up to date. Any changes need to be made in writing via email and any changes made shall be confirmed via email.

Should you any enquiries please contact us:
Phone: (02) 6288 4283