Principal’s Welcome

A welcome from James Goodlet

The word ‘Orana’ is understood to have derived from a Wiradjuri word meaning ‘welcome’. I think this is very apt. My experience of the place has been, and continues to be that of a warm, friendly and inclusive place.

I’d like to welcome you to Orana and hope you can join us on our journey to building a generous, big-hearted community – a learning village where all members can make real contributions. A place where adventure and challenge are encouraged, and creativity is nurtured. A healthy place for all, with opportunities in the development of academic, physical, practical and artistic skills, and the fostering of independence and resilience in young people.

We value compassion, truth and wisdom. We have a great belief in personal transformation and growth in young people, and providing hope for them in a changing world. I know Orana has gone through some challenging times in the last few years, as have many schools. In the coming years our school community will be working on our skills in observation, conversation, collaboration, thinking, making and doing to affect positive change in the world.

At Orana, we see every student as an artist, scientist, carer, leader, and contributor. Our school is a vibrant, hopeful place where young people are supported and challenged in their learning journey by committed staff who understand the needs of developing human beings. We are very fortunate to have a beautiful natural and built environment that we enjoy sharing.


James Goodlet

Orana Steiner School Principal