Year 8 Visual Art

Year 8 Visual Art are investigating the intricate LINE details found in beautiful bugs and beetles. Learning the Visual Art Concepts and how these are found in our natural world. This drawing task is a collaborative large drawing where students all focus on the same theme, interpreting what they see in their own individual way while exploring Line.
Year 9 Visual Art

Year 9 Visual Art are continuing working on their Cubist monochrome paintings. The complexity of mixing a broad range of colours and applying compositional considerations, challenge our young artists.
Students are also working hard developing their painted moth designs.
A beautiful burst of colour we are all enjoying in our classroom.
Year 10 Modern Art Main Lesson

Year 10 recently completed a Main Lesson focused on Modern Art. Students selected an object of their own choice, e.g a pickle, an ‘old-fashioned’ telephone, a boat, a teapot, the Tower of Sauron, etc. to transform with various stylistic interpretations throughout the Main Lesson. We began by visiting the relatively familiar territory of Impressionism, and its offshoot, Pointilism.
Combining practical work with library research, students waded or leapt through Expressionism and its moody atmospheric qualities, through Surrealism when a telephone became an animal or a burger, followed by Cubism, Dada, POP Art, and Conceptual Art. We discussed what it means to make an artwork ‘live’, and how art adapted to interpret a world riven by war, technological and social change.
We debated whether it is true that Pablo Picasso is the greatest artist of the 20th century. This meant confronting the fact that Picasso could paint ‘perfectly well’ and gave it up to develop a new way of seeing the world! Opinion was divided on this, and created lively discussion. Students discovered that it is possible to articulate an understanding of modern art without necessarily having to ‘like it’, and other students were empowered by the infinite horizon of the imagination to express their 21st century selves.