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Class 3 Music Main Lesson

Music is a vital part of life for all humans. In Class 3, students make several important musical progressions. In earlier classes children absorbed music through being immersed in it. They sang and played recorder with gusto, imitating their teachers, repeating little songs and musical games again and again without conscious analysis of theoretical concepts.

As students grow, they begin to need the tool that is music notation. Reading music from notation opens up a whole range of new, enjoyable and extending activities. Being able to read and make music is another way in which young humans learn to control their world and be active in it. The Music Main Lesson is a gentle bridge between the younger child’s osmotic, almost magical awareness of music, and the older child’s experience of music as an integral part of life, and as a skill that can be refined through attention and practice. There is such joy in being able to share music with others. It is a means of human communication and connection. Skills learned in the Music Main Lesson are directly applicable to later instrument learning and ensemble playing. The action of decoding and playing music from notation also helps to develop complex neural pathways that assist learning in all subjects.