Class Plays in the Primary School

In Primary School, Drama is interwoven through the curriculum across all year levels from Kindergarten to Year 6. In Kindergarten, students watch, practice and perform simple puppet shows leading up to producing elaborate plays and musical productions in Years 5 and 6. Through Drama, students have an opportunity to engage with their learning on a deeper level, explore the perspectives and feelings of others, develop their individual sense of confidence and self-efficacy, and experience the success of the group as a whole.

A class play is traditionally performed once a year and is an additional opportunity for students to internalise the stories told to them by their teachers. In Primary School, students are supported to explore a range of theatrical storytelling techniques that are entwined within an imaginative landscape of music, props, costumes and lighting. Likewise, through regular opportunities to watch others perform, students learn how to be respectful and attentive audience members who value and celebrate the creative work of others, both younger and older.

With the lifting of social distancing requirements, it has been wonderful to offer more opportunities for our School community to be active audience members to witness the learning and growth of our students. In Week 3 of this term, students, teachers and families were delighted to watch the Class 5JG production of “Gilgamesh”, which told the oldest written story of fraternal love and humankind’s fruitless search for everlasting life. Later this week, Class 5RA will no doubt amaze our School community again with their production of “A Glint of Gold” based on the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Many other classes across the Primary School are also busily preparing for their class plays to be held across Term 3 and Term 4, and we wish them all the best in their rehearsals and preparations in the weeks ahead.

Sharaine Talip – Acting Head of Primary School