Deputy Report for High School – Term 3, Week 2

It’s been a busy and productive start to Term 3 and it’s great to be back at the School. Students have reported how happy they are to back in the school and back into their learning programs, and reconnecting with friends.

PISA Testing for Year 9 & 10 students

Every three years, the OECD conducts testing of Years 9 and 10 students through the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) across the globe. The purpose of collecting this data is to evaluate educational systems to compare for impact.

This data is not used by Orana and is not used as a school-based assessment for reports. A randomised sample of students were selected by PISA for testing, which took place on Friday 28 July.

Professional Learning in Term 2, Week 10

In Week 10, staff came together for professional learning and planning. This was a very productive week, with staff undertaking Professional Learning with Dr Tom Brunzell on Trauma Informed Practice, and Kristy Elliott on Restorative Practices. We will continue to work as a School and together throughout the year, and in years following, to improve our practices and understanding in these areas.

The Term Ahead

We have had many incursions and excursions occurring across the High School already. The highlight being the Snowsport Camp for Years 9 to 12 students this week. We have plans for many other activities during the term and look forward to the learning and fun that these experiences facilitate. Guardians will be sending letters home next week, which will include more detailed information on term events for your child’s class and highlight important events that are coming up. Please contact us, if you have any questions, or if you require clarification in any matter regarding your child by phoning us on 02 6288 4283 or by email: