Deputy Principal Report – Week 4

It’s Week 4 and the last month of Winter. We are focused on establishing strong relationships between students and teachers, as well as our community partners, to ensure all students have strong foundations for successful learning. While we are aware of the challenges that this Winter has brought, we are also confident that we have the people and processes in place to ensure health and safety and continued learning for all. It’s great to see our sporting teams firing up again with excursions and enrichment opportunities. I know our students and staff are really enjoying getting back into learning in full-swing.  

We have encouraged students to refer to their Unit Outlines to guide the planning of their assessment calendars which are available on SchoolBox and used in the classroom. We also encourage students to use calendars to organise their tasks in a diary or digital calendar to further support their organisation and self-direction for success. Please encourage your child to reach out to their classroom teacher if they have concerns at any time. One of our collective goals as a staff is to support our students in developing independence.   

We look forward to hearing the results from students who were involved in the Australian Maths Competition and the Junior Science Olympiad last week. We encourage all students to have a go at challenging themselves in the many different academic opportunities we offer at Orana.

It’s been great having our Senior College students hosting lunch time clubs and assisting students across the Primary School. Our students seem to be smiling and having a rewarding experience.