Early Childhood Lantern Walk

How quickly the first half of this year has passed, today being the shortest day and the longest night its no wonder that we are feeling that winter chill and the inevitable reluctance to leave the warmth of our beds each day.

But leave we must, as you know our youngest community members, the early childhood students do not allow such things as cold or dark stop them from bringing a new day. A worthy reminder of the light and joy that will return as the days once again grow longer.

The children will soon be participating in our winter festival and the teachers have been carefully and quietly preparing them to take part in this reverent event which will be held as close as possible to the winter solstice. The festival will be held on Friday 28th of June.

Those of you who have taken part in this festival previously, will appreciate its beauty. The children along with their parents and teacher walk through the darkness, carrying their lantern along the trails to Mother Earth’s Grotto where they will present Mother Earth with the seeds they have collected over the past weeks.  Here they ask Mother Earth to care for the seeds until the warmth of Spring returns and new life emerges.

Much preparation goes into getting ready for this night and we are very grateful to the maintenance team, teachers, volunteers and parents who all play a part in making this festival possible for your children. A special Thank you to you all.

We will leave you with a picture of our outstanding crafting skills demonstrated by the parents who really brought their creativity and singing voices to our lantern making evenings. Thank you for such a wonderful representation of our community over these past 2 weeks, we know this is a big effort for families who have young children at home.

Warm regards the Early Childhood Team.