Early Childhood – Our Beautiful Spring Garden

This is my wee garden plot, (Extend palm, point to it with index finger of other hand)

I’ll rake it with care and it will grow a lot! (Make rake with spread fingers and stroke over palm)

Peas and carrots and salad from seeds (Poke index finger around palm to plant seeds)

I’ll plant and water and pull out the weeds. (Extend thumb from fist to pour, pinch palm to weed)

The sun will shine and bathe my garden in light (Flex and contract fingers)

All the plants will be happy and taste just right (Face palms up and wiggle fingers)

Here try some, have a bite! (Extend garden palm outward, pick plant, pop into mouth, and chew)

The early childhood gardens are so beautiful after the long winter and rains. Please do come in and explore if you have time in the morning or afternoon.

Over the past week all early childhood classes gathered to hear from sociologist and snake ecologist, Dr Gavin Smith. He brought along some special guests: his daughter Sylvie assisted Gavin in showing the children a large python and a Shingleback lizard.

We do have resident lizards that live in the gardens. The children are quick to spot them and watch them scurry away as they chase them to their homes in the gnarls of the old logs in the garden. You might spot one as you walk around the school grounds. Hopefully the children can remember what to do if they see a snake or lizard and they may educate you on what to do.

The Pippis class were treated to the festivities of Diwali. We extend a big THANK YOU to Som’s mother who made the children traditional celebration food to share and some beautiful handmade decorations. The memories will linger for a long time in the minds of the children that attended on that day.

Finally, happy birthday to all those that have had birthdays recently. The sun, the moon and the stars have certainly been rejoicing over the past few weeks.