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Welcome Back to Early Childhood – Term 2

A big warm Orana welcome to all the new families in Early Childhood.

Just as the seasons are changing the children too have made a smooth transition into the new Term and changing season, and for some this transition is taking place with the guidance of new teachers.

This is where the rhythm and routine of Steiner education become the stability and security in children’s lives and these changes are made easier because of that stability.

You can create that stability in the home by implementing the same morning, afterschool, dinner and bedtime routines — this looks different for each family.

Children need predictability and rhythm in their lives to feel secure. Through this rhythm children gain a sense of security and confidence in the world — they know where they are!

Autumn Leaves – A Child’s Seasonal Treasury

The trees are saying “Goodbye” to their leaves  – (Stretch out arms and wave goodbye)

As they flutter and float and fly in the breeze. (Flutter fingers)

All golden, orange, and red, they sink softly off to bed. (Slowly bring fluttering fingers down to floor)

And Dear Mother Earth rests each leafy head. (Make sleeping gesture with palms together; give a big restful sigh) 

Warmest regards

Sue Mayer — Early Childhood Coordinator