Last weekend, 11 students from Orana, along with seven students from Daramalan College, travelled to Melbourne to row in the ‘Head of the Yarra’. This race starts in Melbourne CBD, outside the famous rowing sheds, winding its way eight kilometers down the Yara finishing at Hawthorne Rowing Club. This race is different from the standard races held in Canberra and Sydney – it is a game of cat and mouse over a very long narrow and winding course.
Congratulations must be extended to the girls crew who won the School Girls Division II event. The boys crew also rowed extremely well, narrowly missing out on a place. Both crews should be very proud of their races, and must be commended on how well they rowed together and supported each other. It was also wonderful to see Orana students support fellow rowers from Black Mountain Rowing Club.
Orana rowers: Eleanor Johnston, Amy Manning, Zoe Wiseman, Nina Thomas, Maya Skocilas, Mannon Castro, Odin Morris-Barrow, Joss Ormes, Oliver Manning, Tom Wiseman, Ravi Vadher.