In Years 10, 11 and 12, heroes and monsters have been making their presence felt. This alignment demonstrates how the Steiner curriculum explores content through different lenses in each year level.
In the Epic Poetry Main Lesson in Year 10, Odysseus the war hero, larrikin and embodiment of manly beauty, challenges his destiny on his return home from Troy. Why do we spend so long with this 2,800-year-old epic? Our Year 10 students experience the same challenges as Odysseus. Using a suite of thought-provoking questions, students considered: Are our friends good for us? Is glory a worthwhile goal to pursue? Is revenge acceptable? When must a leader show self-restraint?
In Year 11, students are meeting Dr Frankenstein and his monster in the context of romanticism. They ask what makes a monster? How can landscape be a character in the novel? Why do we enjoy horror for fun?
In Year 12, rounding off a 12-year journey, the students revisit the fairy tales of Year 1, reading folk tales from around the world, and considering archetypes, morality, and how we grapple with ideas of good and evil. The students are re-visiting the world of wonder and magic and how this can be connected to their everyday experiences.