It’s the completion of Week 6 and assessment is in full swing across the High School and Senior College. Some children are thriving, some are struggling and we have everything in between. Guardians and teachers are working on strategies with students that improve communication, collaboration, and self-management skills this semester. Schoolbox is an essential tool for keeping on top of tasks that are due. Guardians have been working on the Term Planners in the classrooms with students and reminding them of up coming tasks and organisation. We appreciate the assistance our college students have been providing to our younger High School students regarding their Term Planners. If your child is struggling with tasks, I would recommend they reach out to their teachers, as they are approachable and always willing to assist; this communication can be via email or face to face. I’ve had the privilege of seeing many staff working with students in the High School Garden and classrooms, outside class times, always eager to assist. If organisation across all subjects seems to be problematic, I would recommend that your child seek assistance from their guardians on time management and work planners.
Stay in touch. Life’s not always smooth sailing for children of any age. Family circumstances change. Friends move away. Illness happens. Mental health challenges can hit anyone at any time. These changes affect learning. Make sure that you keep guardians up to date with significant changes or difficulties that your child or young person is experiencing so they can accommodate your child’s emotional and learning needs at school.
You will recall that the High School was closed for Moderation Day in Week 5. This is a day that teachers across Canberra get together in their teaching areas (i.e. Mathematics, English, Art etc.) and ensure that there is alignment between schools in assessment tasks, the grading of those tasks and the quality of the feedback given to students. The Board of Senior Secondary Studies (B.S.S.S.) captures and uses data from Moderation Day for schools to use to improve assessment.
Some good news to share regarding Orana is that as a College, we have a number of consistently outstanding assessment tasks each semester, our teachers are often asked to use their assessment as exemplars to other schools. Having quality educators teaching right across the High School through to the Senior College is immensely beneficial to educational outcomes. I would like to thank our SGLs and AGL Andrew Jones, Suzanne Goddard and Tim Woodhams for leading all colleges in the moderation process in their subject areas, they provide a wealth of knowledge to other teachers in all colleges.
Finally, reports for Main Lesson one will be on Schoolbox at the beginning of Week 8. Further information will be emailed to you when they have been uploaded. I hope you enjoy the coming long weekend with your children.