High School and Senior College

Over the past few weeks, students in Classes 7 and 9 have sat a series of NAPLAN tests. These tests give schools lots of information as to where students do well, and where we as a school need to invest more time. Assessment, evaluation and reflection of what we do is important. However, such measurements of success and growth, can take many forms. At Orana, we excel in giving students an opportunity to share their understanding of what they have learned through a variety of mediums.

This year, Orana has been given a grant to conduct some research into an area of choice. A group of teachers has chosen to interrogate more critically, how students can use artistic skill and expression to show understanding of concepts mastered and skill development. No other school I have taught in (and I have been to many) have I experienced the ease at which teachers can create tasks which draw on a variety of techniques and skills students can use, and where students are so comfortable in transferring what has been learned in creative lessons into more traditional academic classes. The results and finished pieces not only show understanding of the outcomes taught, but are stunningly beautiful.

Our research project is just starting. We are framing our questions and starting to collect examples of work. We have been invited to share our research with other schools at an event in November and this will be a wonderful opportunity for us to showcase the excellent work students and teachers do at Orana.

Susan Pascoe

Acting Deputy Principal High School and Senior College