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James’ message – August 2024

An honest, entirely open, feeling of gratitude…is a bridge from one human soul to another. 

Rudolf Steiner 


We have a lot to be grateful for at Orana. It has been a dynamic start to the term. There is a sense of energy in our work around the place – an anticipation of the spring season ahead perhaps? People are brimming with ideas and constructive ways of working and learning effectively and artistically. I had the privilege of meeting with all the Year 10 students in their guardian time on Wednesday and was very heartened by our discussion. They shared with me what is working well for them which included the strength and flexibility in the learning program as well as the supportive relationships they have with their peers and their teachers. They also shared with me some improvements that could be made such as library access, communication and the sporting program – we are working on these suggestions. It was such an enriching experience sharing that conversation with Year 10 students and their teachers – what a fine bunch! I also had the honour of seeing the Year 12 students sharing their Year 12 projects at the half-way stage. I listened to students speak about a great array of projects all with an aspect of service to the community. I went away warmed by the thought of those individuals’ futures as well as the future for society more broadly. Rudolf Steiner talked about school education being an opportunity for social renewal and I can see evidence of this in our students in the upper school.  

We welcome three new staff members to our team. Our new Facilities Manager, Craig Turner, started on Thursday 8 August. He comes to us with a unique set of skills and experience for the role. He has a wealth of experience working in independent and public schools as a high school science and design and technology teacher as well as experience in school facilities management. He has a keen interest in the continued enhancement of the collaborative culture at Orana. Feifei Chen join the IT team this week. She has IT and early childhood education qualifications. She is very keen to apply these skills at Orana and also interested to learn about our approach to education. Michael Klinkert will start on Monday 12 August as PE teacher and Sports Coordinator. Michael has worked at Orana as a mathematics teacher where he established a great rapport with students and staff. Welcome to Craig, Feifei and Michael. 

This term we have many events planned. We have done our best to space these events out but, in some cases, there are some unavoidable clashes and overlaps. I’d like to bring a few events to your attention. 

Next Thursday 15 August at 6pm, Dr Lainie Haart from ANU will be speaking about the science of reading. Thank you to the Orana Parent Education Group for organising this event. On the same evening, from 5.30pm is the High School and Senior College Learning Journey. We understand that there may be some parents who would like to attend both events. If that is the case, there will be access to a recording of Lainie Haart’s talk. 

Book Week 19-22 August will be a celebration of all things booky and will include activities for children and a play presented by some of the teachers – it should be fun.  

Class Parent Representatives will be meeting at 8.30am Friday 23 August for further onboarding of our new Schoolbox communication forum and preparation for Spring Fair. 

On Thursday 29 August there will be a Kindergarten 2025 information evening where all current preschool parents and those outside our community will be invited. There will be a similar arrangement the following Thursday, 5 September, for our Class 1 2025 information evening. 

This term’s Twilight Concert will be in the evening of Friday 30 August. For those who may not be aware, our music department organises a twilight concert each term which usually highlights a particular year group or section of the school and what they have been working on in their music classes. It also offers an opportunity for individual students of any age or ability to perform in a safe, friendly environment. It is a warm atmosphere where children greatly appreciate the support in the audience from parents and friends – I encourage you to come along and enjoy. It is a wonderful demonstration of the inclusive nature of music education at Orana as well as showcasing serious talent. 

There will be a working bee on Sunday 15 September organised by the P&F. The last working bee was a great success with healthy numbers and a focus on the garden around the Ironbark Building. It was an opportunity to get to know other families in the school we all felt good about making a worthwhile contribution – the sausage sizzle at the end was also enjoyable. For those who can help with the upcoming working bee, your help will be greatly appreciated. 

On the last Thursday of term, 26 September, we will have the second session of our strategic planning process. All staff, parents and friends will be warmly invited to a combined session on setting our strategic priorities based on the vision and values outlined in our first session last term. There will be an invitation sent to the whole community with more details later in the term. 

The last day of term, Friday 27 September we will have community markets after school. The P&F will send more details later in the term. 

There are, of course, many other things going on this term and I thank all those community members involved in taking the initiative and responsibility for leading and supporting the many activities to enrich and build our community.  

With warmth,

James Goodlet