Kelly’s Week 8 Message

The end of a wonderful year is fast approaching, and as usual, there are many exciting things happening for everyone. We are all looking forward to spending some well-deserved time with friends and family during the festive season. Over the past few weeks, we have celebrated and enjoyed numerous special events and milestones alongside our students and community. These festivities will continue next week throughout the final week of school, but this is the final Leaflet for 2023. 

Graduation Day

Congratulations to the Class 12 Graduates. On Monday we farewelled our Graduates in an assembly where they were individually honoured by staff members and the Class 11 cohort. Class 1 and Class 5 delivered musical performances to the Class 12’s in celebration. The High School sang a beautiful farewell song and the students received handmade candles from Class 1 children, pens and the traditional gumnut babies made by our staff. These moments provide that special reflection moment for the children, the teachers and the parents and the guardians. Thank you to everyone in the community who contributes to the growth of these children. For the many stories, songs, poems, artistic opportunities, cultural, maths and science concepts, outdoor experiences and many more besides, thank you.

During the time at school, as in life, there are ups and downs, highs and lows, excitement and boredom, social, emotional and physical issues that strengthen and challenge each child. It is as it needs to be! There must be a plethora of everything to experience, in a safe place like a school, so at the end of the day, our graduates have resilience, strength of will, creativity and thinking minds that can serve the world well. We were blessed to have had you within our midst and we bless you as you depart.

Spring Fair

Thank you to everyone involved in the Spring Fair. We were very fortunate with the weather! The number of people through the school was fantastic, it was so great to have our beloved fair and to come together as a community of both past and present members. Hopefully you all had a chance to enjoy the performances, food, arts and crafts, displays of the children’s work and the many other stalls available throughout the day.

It is an amazing effort to coordinate this event.  A very special thank you to the dedicated P & F team, Spring Fair committee and Site Team, a huge amount of work was done in the background to make this happen.

Class 10 Formal and Bridge Crossing

Other milestones that have been celebrated this week and next week have been the Class 10 Formal and the Class 6 Bridge crossing with staff, parents and students. These pivotal moments of celebration and reflection are special. They become part of the rhythm of life. Thank you to everyone involved in creating milestone markers that are often intimate, authentic moments.

Christmas Festival and Markets

Next Friday afternoon and evening we have our Christmas Festival in the High School Gardens. As a family or for staff members it is a great way to wind down together and sing a few traditional carols and begin to enjoy the Christmas festivities.  Our P& F are holding our final community markets of the year in conjunction with the carols with a Christmas theme, we hope you and your children can join us. This is a very pleasant relaxed way to finish the school year.

Warm regards,

Kelly Armstrong – Acting Principal