Moderation Day

Moderation Day is held in all schools across Canberra that have students in Year 11 and 12 in attendance.

This semester, Moderation Day falls on Thursday 17 August 2023.

This is a day when Senior College teacher from all Canberra Colleges and Schools meet together to discuss the assessments the students in their classes have completed, in the spirit of affirming the grades we have awarded our Class 11 and 12 students. It is also a time when teachers can share and showcase resources and best practice.

Because such a large number of teachers in the High School and Senior College at Orana are required to attend this programme, there will be a Pupil Free Day for students in Classes 7 – 12 on 17 August 2023. This means there will be no programme to accommodate students in the High School and Senior College at school on this day.