Mood at Orana

While there is mood in any early childhood setting, it is the Steiner mood that separates our school from other services in Canberra. You may know about mood in musical terms or perhaps you have read a little about the approach in Early Childhood Steiner settings, but I would like to share my experiences and understanding when I observe our educators. I hear parents say their children’s teachers are Saints and I tend to agree.

Here is why:

Our educators speak in a peaceful tone and when not conversing are often singing in in the mood of the fifth. This tone is evident throughout the day when there are different moods for different situations. The mood as guided by the educators as they provide an opportunity for the children to understand the boundaries that determine appropriate behaviors for different situations. Opportunities are provided for moments of reverence, awe and wonder. Meal times lend themselves to a social mood and awareness of others. Seasonal festivals provide the opportunity to welcome a mood of celebration. While I hear our wonderful educators adopting high to lower tones, the overall picture is one of creating a serene and joyful environment.

It is not that easy:

We are all on a learning journey and attaining the skills to maintain the mood of the fifth for the children is a challenge for adults. While our younger children experience the mood in a natural way that speaks to their truth, we no longer naturally tune into that experience of mood. We have to work on it in ourselves as we study the consciousness and development of the child. Putting on that apron starts the day and puts our wonderful educators into the frame of mind necessary to facilitate the day ahead. They really are Saints.

Listen for yourself:

Here’s a snippet of the sounds which bring the mood to feed the souls of our children. Take a moment to sing along to ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ to achieve a sense of the mood of the fifth. Listen from 4:43 to the end.

With warm wishes,

Áine Barker

Acting Early Childhood Co-ordinator