Observe, partake and celebrate

A very big, welcome to the new school year. To all the new families that have joined us we open our arms in a welcome gesture. Observe, partake and celebrate. It was wonderful to see so many families joining us for our High School Information evening on Wednesday and we look forward to meeting you at other events throughout the year.

Students have settled into the rhythm of the new school year. They are becoming accustomed to their new schedules, possibly new teachers and new challenges. Please do reach out to our Pastoral team, Inclusive Education team or our Curriculum Coordinators if you have any concerns and require support.

The Class 12’s of 2024 are currently in the process of their Class 12 Project. Many have a specific topic in mind whilst others are still sifting through a few options. The Project really is a pathway of small steps that over a year create something really significant. The projects will run On Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November, please book the date in your diaries.

The Main Lesson is a unique feature of Steiner Education designed to deepen, enrich and unify the child’s learning experience. All classes in the High School and Senior College have begun their first Main Lesson for the year. In High School students really begin to take hold of their independent thinking. Students will begin to scrutinise the world and those around them, to judge and seek the truth. We encourage them to think independently, to watch, to research and then to come to conclusions and judgements. Ask your child what they are learning, what are their thoughts at this time in the Main Lesson and again at the conclusion of Main Lesson.

Kelly Armstrong

Deputy Principal High School & Senior College