Primary School

In Primary School, we value individual difference. We believe in self responsibility and in the values needed to become connected and contributing citizens. We seek to support our students to be capable of personal endeavour and community involvement. The education we provide develops creative and imaginative thinking and aims to instil in our students a love of learning, a sense of wonder, an appreciation of beauty and a connection to the world.

Primary School at Orana is from Kindergarten to Year 6. A unique feature of Primary education in Steiner schools such as Orana, is the Class Teacher period which commences in Year 1, when the first important phase of growth and development is completed. Where possible, the Class Teacher moves with the children from Year 1 through to Year 6 and therefore develops an in-depth understanding of the children, both as individuals and as a class group.

During this time, Class Teachers teach the curriculum areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, The Arts and Health and Physical Education. They engage students through movement, speech, drama, painting, modelling, story-telling and song. In addition, Specialist Teachers are employed across the Primary School for Languages, Design and Technology, Library and Outdoor classroom. This approach provides a balance of the academic, artistic and practical, so that children are fully prepared for life. Through this comprehensive approach, students come to know the complex diversity of the world, allowing them to confidently find their place in the world.

Another unique and important feature of Orana is the Main Lesson. The Main lesson is taught at the beginning of each day and is an integrated unit of work that provides deep learning of new concepts across the curriculum over a three-week period. Knowledge and skills are brought to the learner through rich, relevant contexts while upholding the importance of the curriculum, and supporting experiences that develop heads (thinking), hearts (feeling) and hands (willing and doing).

To support the needs of all our students, Orana has a qualified school counsellor who supports our students and families across the school, and work closely with our Learning Support staff, Teachers and Executive Team.

Our highest endeavour is to provide a purposeful education that will inspire our students to achieve to the best of their individual ability, to work creatively and to become aware of themselves as spiritual beings who will contribute positively to global social change.

To learn more about Primary School at Orana, download a prospectus, read thourgh the Primary Handbook or book a Primary School Tour.