Primary is ‘Ready to Learn’

Berry Street Education Model in Primary

Early next term Orana staff will attend the final session of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) professional learning module. The BSEM equips schools with practical, classroom-based strategies to increase the engagement of all students. The education model enables schools to support students’ self-regulation, relationships and wellbeing to increase student engagement and improve academic achievement. I am passionate about BSEM, having conducted research in this area and leading the implementation in my previous school. I’m excited to continue the journey here at Orana and wanting to share with you a little part of what it looks like in classes across the primary school.  

Have you seen the Ready to Learn Scales on student desks or in the classroom? These are important tools that the students and staff have been working on to settle into the new year. 


What is a Ready to Learn Scale? 

The scale show the numbers 1-5. If you are at a 1 then you are a bit ‘meh’ about learning. If you are 3 then you are thinking about being ready to learn, a 5 indicates you are definitely ready to learn. No one at school is a 0 because simply attending means you are already on your way to being Ready to Learn. 

How do the students use the Ready to Learn Scale? 

The scale is a tool. It allows the student to pause, connect with their body and think about their Ready to Learn status – a key skill for self-regulation. It also gives teachers a cue to check in with students who are registering lower on the scale. If a student is not Ready to Learn then they will be directed to use their Ready to Learn Plan.   

What is a Ready to Learn Plan? 

A Ready to Learn Plan has been designed by each student to help them identify actions they can take independently to help them become Ready to Learn. Each plan is slightly different but examples would include getting a drink, drawing for 5 minutes or using a fidget for 5 minutes. The purpose of these activities is to move the student from their current state into one that is higher on the Ready to Learn Scale. 

I encourage you to ask your student what they have on their own Ready to Learn Plan.    


Jeddah Teasdale – Deputy Principal Early Childhood and Primary School