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Deputy Principal’s Welcome – Primary School

A new term has begun and with it comes a swift change in seasons — frosty mornings marked by chilly winds and soaking rain in preparation for nature’s quiet slumber during the Winter months ahead of new growth in Spring. In the Primary School, we mark this change in seasons by encouraging the students to dress in warmer layers and jackets that can be peeled off as the afternoons grow warmer, and remind them to bring an extra pair of socks to change into after an afternoon of puddle jumping in gumboots. We are also a SunSmart registered school, which means broad-brimmed hats on until 31st May. As the old saying goes, there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

While it can be tempting to stay indoors more as the weather cools, our Primary teachers continue to challenge our students to run, play and experience their own personal challenges outside in the fresh air to further connect and deepen their learning with the body, each other and the world. We know that children in modern times lead far more sedentary lives than in previous generations, so providing meaningful opportunities for children to engage in structured movement activities to support their gross motor skills development and connecting what they have learned in the classroom with real world experiences is vital to their development throughout their schooling journey. Likewise, movement is essential in connecting the child to their own body’s place in space, and by bringing in deliberate movement activities throughout the school day, students are more likely to return to the classroom ready to learn and do their best.

In the lower Primary classes, our students explore the world throughout and beyond the school grounds on their Nature Walks, which often incorporate structured movement activities such as balancing, climbing, spinning and swinging. These fundamental movement skills are essential in building the young child’s sense of balance and place in the world, and their resilience and strength to meet future challenges. In Classes 2 to 5, students will next week begin a two week swimming program at the Stromlo Leisure Centre, which focuses on water safety skills and swimming fitness. In Class 4, students will have the opportunity to improve their bike riding skills over the next few weeks as they venture further afield beyond and around the school grounds. Learning to ride a bike, like learning to swim, are skills that will last a lifetime. Lastly, Class 5 and 6 have taken their learning outside the classroom and challenged themselves to master new skills and push themselves out of their comfort zones through participating in the Athletics and Cross-Country Carnivals, studying and performing a classical Indian dance and exploring the crystal caves in Wee Jasper.

We hope all our students are ready to take on new adventures and challenges this term.

Sharaine Talip – Acting Deputy Principal / Head of Primary School K-6