Respect, Safety, Participation and Self-Responsibility

The first term of every of the year in the Primary School is defined by a series of ceremonies and traditions that mark new beginnings. In Week 1, Kindergarten children transitioned to Class 1 with our beautiful Rose Ceremony on the first day of school as older returning students and new students were busy settling into their new classrooms, new curriculums, classroom routines and playgrounds.

On the second day of term, we had our whole school Welcome Assembly in the Amphitheatre. Together, the Primary, High School and Senior College gathered and celebrated our learning community. In our assembly we welcomed James, our new Principal, who challenged all our students to stop and introduce themselves when they passed him on campus. If everyone did that, James pledged that he would learn everybody’s names before the end of the year.

In our assembly we also shared stories and songs, but the highlight of this assembly was the gifts the Year 12 students bestowed on our Year 1 students. They gifted their stories, reflections and hopes for the future. This was then embodied in the giving of a plant to each Class in Year 1, to be kept and nurtured throughout their years together in the Primary School.

We are now a quarter of the way into Term 1 and the weeks have been busy with Classes working on our School Values-Respect, Safety, Participation and Self -responsibility. These values are the foundation for setting Classroom expectations and guiding our interactions and relationships as a school community.

As part of our Term 1 focus on values and wellbeing, Year 6 are currently taking part in the Vinnie’s DARE program which focuses on values and building positive relationships, while Classes 4 and 5 will be taking part in the Vinnies Social Justice workshops later this term. This Term, Class 3 will be taking part in the MIEACT Thriving Minds program which has been developed to help students develop protective behaviours and seek help when needed.

Looking ahead, as the days cool, we will have the Harvest Festival at the end of Term 1. This is an opportunity to gather once again as a whole school community. This time we gather to contemplate gratitude for all that we have, celebrate shared stories and experience the gift of giving.

Jacinta Lai

Acting Deputy Principal/ Head of Primary | Primary Curriculum Coordinator K-6 | Primary Pastoral Care Coordinator K-4