Separation Anxiety

It is normal for some children to experience separation anxiety when returning to school after spending an extended amount of time at home during the school holiday period. If your child is having difficulties with morning drop offs, here are five quick tips to help make your mornings easier:

  1. Create a goodbye ritual. Having a goodbye routine provides comfort and familiarity, so your child knows what is to come. This can be as easy as a special goodbye handshake, a hug, or a goodbye saying such as “See you later, Alligator”.
  2. Never make comparisons. Don’t chastise your child and say “Tommy doesn’t cry when he gets dropped off”.
  3. Don’t sneak away. It may be very tempting to quietly sneak away but your child can become more distressed if you suddenly disappear.
  4. Remind your child that you will be coming back. When you pick your child up at the end of the day, reinforce the idea that you came back just like you said you would.
  5. Don’t prolong and drag out goodbyes and hang around the school. As hard as it can be at times, do your best to appear calm and in control of your emotions. Model this behaviour for your child.

For more information on helping your child overcome separation anxiety, click here.