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Skills, strings and musical things

Musical progressions

As we approach the middle of the year and live and work in our new music spaces, Orana students are embracing many ‘next steps’ in their musical journeys. Class 1 students have just received their first beautiful, wooden, handmade, pentatonic recorders. They surprised themselves by being able to play their first song in the first lesson! Class 3 students are looking forward to their Music Main Lesson where they will learn how to decode music notation, sing in parts and find out lots about how music works in communities and for individuals. 

In Class 5, students have been exploring the concept of ‘ensemble’ and noticing how teamwork is as important in Music as in Sport. Students in Class 8 are grappling hard with chord changes and strumming technique as they learn guitar. They recently played the accompaniment as all the High School sang ‘Heather on the Hill’ during morning singing sessions. 

Senior Music students are preparing final performances, compositions and musical analyses for their Semester Units. We hope that the community will enjoy some of our musical endeavours in concerts and events during the latter part of this term.

Term 2 Twilight Concert

This term’s Twilight Concert will be held on Friday May 31 in Overture Hall from 5.45pm to 7pm. Classes 3 and 5 will present a light-hearted evening’s entertainment of singing and instrument playing. All the Orana community, family and friends are welcome to attend. During the concert, we ask that younger siblings sit quietly with parents during so that our students can perform without distraction.

Peripatetic Music Opportunities

Orana’s Peripatetic Music Programme provides an opportunity for students from Classes 3 to 12 to take individual lessons from experienced and warm-hearted instrumental teachers. Currently, several peripatetic teachers are preparing their students for studio concerts at the end of the term. 

At present, there are some vacancies for students who would like to learn cello, piano, recorder, or violin.  Please contact Maia via email on if you would like to enquire about lessons.

Class 3 String Programme

The String Programme for Class 3 will commence in Term 3. Information about this  will be sent to Class 3 Parents and Carers in Week 7.


Maia Harrison

Music Coordinator