The P&F are excitedly ramping up our preparations for the Spring Fair and we are delighted to announce volunteer rosters are now live!
The Spring Fair is such a highlight of the year, but we couldn’t do it without parent volunteers! There are many roles to fill to suit all levels of participation, so please sign up for something that suits you at the link below:
Stalls by class
Click on the links below to sign up now!
Kindergarten – Preloved clothing
Class 1 – Childrens’ Tent & Children’s Activities
Class 2 – Ice cream & Slushies
Class 4 – SF Hosts & Entertainment
Class 5 – Silent Auction – Supply Bakery
Class 6 – Bakery & Chai – Supply Bakery
Class 8 – Help on the day – Fill in gaps in rosters
Class 9 – BBQ and supply bakery
Class 10 – Supply bakery and fill gaps in rosters
Class 11 – Fruit kebabs and popcorn – Supply Bakery
Class 12 – Support the Craft Stall
Spring Fair Donations
School holidays are coming up! Declutter your house and donate your good-condition unwanted items to the Spring Fair!
Where to donate clothing: Bins have been placed around the school to collect your AMAZING QUALITY pre-loved books and clothing for the Spring Fair. Please keep an eye out for the bins which will be clearly marked and deposit any items you are willing to donate. Please only donate items in a condition good enough that people want to buy them.
How: Please ensure clothes are clean and in bag (they are removed daily from the red donation bins).
What to donate: Adult and children’s pants, shirts, dresses, skirts, jumpers, shoes, fashion accessories (such as belts and scarves) and outdoor gear (such as coats, hats, gloves, rain gear, and wetsuits).
What we cannot take:
❌ Underwear, lingerie and swimwear
❌ Dirty, stained, torn, broken or ripped items
❌ Pillows, duvets and doonas
❌ Items with death themes, adult content, or offensive slogans
Thank you for your donations, which will support Orana and contribute to a circular textile economy!
See you at the Spring Fair on Sunday, 10 November 2024. If you have any questions, please contact