Term 4, Week 4

High School Musical

On Wednesday evening and tonight over 350 staff, parents, students and friends will have gathered in the Overture for our first musical ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in at least 15 years. A huge amount of work has been done by the students, Isabella Scott, Sarah Berger Alexander, Suzanne Goddard, Anita Briedis , Nick Weatherstone , Bobby Martnovic and Jim Romero. Many other staff and parents have also contributed to assist in various ways to support the performance. It is a tremendous gathering of community giving much warmth and support to our students. This huge event has shown the importance of our artistic curriculum with so many students in the High School and Senior College contributing in some way. Thank you to the many families who were able to attend one of the evenings, we look forward to further events like this in the future.

Spring Fair

Our fabulous P & F Spring Fair is fast approaching. The Spring Fair Committee are still looking for volunteers to assist across stores. If you can spare any amount of time it would be immensely appreciated. It’s certainly Orana’s biggest event for the year and a wonderful day for us to come together. A huge thanks to parents and friends who will be attending the working bee this Sunday to assist in the preparation of the grounds and buildings for the Spring Fair.

Year 12 Projects

The Class 12 presentations will be held in the Overture on Friday 10th, Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th November. This is a wonderful opportunity to witness the culmination of a child’s Steiner High School journey.

The topics are fascinating, and the students are impressive. You are so welcome to attend, either in the day or in the evening.

If you are a parent of a high school child, seeing where your child is heading and how articulate and thoughtful they will become can be a great reassurance that your trust in Steiner Education is well placed. Many people are amazed when they encounter these 18-year olds. They themselves often remark (afterwards) how these projects were the final icing on the cake of their education and to have gone through the experience was transformative and life changing. Come along if you have some time next weekend.

Staffing Update

We are delighted to have Aine Barker returning to Orana as the temporary replacement for the position of Principal EA and Board Secretary. We thank  Bobby Martinovic for the seamless transition of stepping into the role of Site Manager to replace Jason Scott till the beginning of February. Our incoming new Principal James Goodlet will arrange  permanent positions in these roles on his commencement at Orana in the new year.


Kelly Armstrong – Acting Principal