The Adventures of Ziggy the Wellbeing Dog

For our Yr 11 Psychology assignment we were tasked with creating, conducting and reporting on an experiment regarding social psychology which made use of an animal. From the beginning we had the idea of using the school’s therapy dog (or puppy rather), and testing his affects on student anxiety. Participants were asked to speak in front of the class, where physiological and self-reported anxiety measures were the recorded. Our experiment was a general success, Ziggy (despite his puppyish behaviors and certain interruptions for puppy excitement and photos) proved his worth, almost all students reported an easing of their anxiety. It was a great project for us to work on this term and we are pleased with the results.  

Ziggy has been enjoying his days going into more classes and developing the beginnings of his own Staff Timetable. His days are filled with pats from students and frolicking in the early spring flowers. He is growing particularly fast and is having lots of runs to burn off his puppy energy. He has begun finding his confidence and is developing his own personality. His favourite toys include the fallen branches off trees and his tug toy.

Ziggy looks forward to seeing you all at school!