Our High school art students are exploring a wide range of mediums and concepts this week! Creating some very interesting results such as clay ceramic pot creatures, giant moth paintings and capturing cubism.
Year 8 Visual Art

Students have been busy completing their ceramic pinch pot creatures.
Using terracotta clay and hand tools students have been learning to manipulate clay, apply surface texture and the pinching method technique, to sculpt a chosen creature.
Year 9 Art

An investigation of Art Movements throughout history, Cubism has been the class focus looking at how artist interpret what they see, abstracted into artworks. Students explored the application of tonal variation and cropping an image using a view finder. They have successfully created dynamic drawings capturing many compositions.
Visual Art Project

This semester all classes in the Arts will be working towards creating wonderful ‘Moth Paintings’. The Moths are drawn and painted onto cut out boards, and when competed are to be displayed in the Primary School building spaces.
Students are excited to capture the colours and characters of the many variety of Moth we have in our local Orana environment. The images enclosed is the starting point of this project, with drawn out patterning.…. watch this space and see these beautiful Moths come to life with colour!