Welcome with Open Arms from the ECC

Welcome back to Term 4 and a big Orana welcome to all the new and returning families to our Early Childhood Community. 

The children have returned brimming with enthusiasm to see their friends again and have welcomed new children into their classes with open arms. It is so nice to see their smiling faces again after the holidays. 

With Spring in the air it seems that the gardening bug has caught hold in early childhood with planting across all classrooms. The children have planted sunflowers, lettuce, snow peas, zucchini’s in Rosewood and flowers and tomatoes in Kurrajong and are now learning to care for new seedlings and waiting to see what grows. 

“Baby seedlings wrapped up tight

In their cosy nest of night. 

Gently, gently will they wake

With a little Springtime shake

Lady Spring, Lady Spring, widely loving everything.”

The Early Childhood Team