Winter Festival
As the days get colder and the nights grow longer, the warmer months can sometimes seem a distant
memory. In anticipation of the winter solstice, Orana’s Winter Festival recognises this cycle of the
seasons, bringing us all out into the early darkness but reminding us that this is a turning point and that
the journey towards warmth and light has begun again.
To represent this journey into the heart of winter, and the beginning of our path towards the longer
days of summer, primary school children build elaborate lanterns and carry them, lit with the warm glow
of a candle, in a series of spirals. Their winding path into the centre of the spiral represents the journey
towards mid-winter, but the spiral outwards reminds us that this is part of the seasonal cycle and that
we will soon leave the darkness and cold behind for another year.
Our winter festival finishes with the Class 7 firesticks dance. After weeks of practice, Class 7’s twirling
flame dance provides a spectacular finale to the evening and an exciting conclusion to their participation
in the festival.