Year 12 Graduation and Formal

It was a truly special time of celebration on Monday as we witnessed the graduation and formal of our Year 12 students. The graduation ceremony was filled with joy and excitement as the Year 12s received exquisite candles from the Year 1 students. This beautiful gesture completed a full circle at Orana, as the current Year 12s were once Year 1 students who had gifted candles they made to the previous Year 12s.

Year 1 and Year 5 performed songs and staff and students shared pertinent words of wisdom and the Students. To complete the occasion, Years 5 to 11 along with staff saw the Year 12 students off in song.

The Formal celebration saw the students, parents and staff turn up looking wonderful at the Marion at Regatta Point to enjoy stories, a tasty meal and some dancing.

The Year 12 students should be very proud of what they have accomplished over their schooling journey and we wish them all the best as they start the next season of their journey.