Steiner Education: Journey towards Freedom

Previous Next One of the joys of the Year 12 Project presentations is to witness the ‘becoming’ of our young adults; to glimpse that step into the world of young […]
Class 5 Nesting Boxes

This semester the Class 5’s have been making Bird Nesting Boxes to assist the local native birds. It has been a wonderful experience and the end results are fantastic. They […]
Special Achievements

Recently some of our students have been recognised for their efforts in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC), the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) and the Bronze Duke of Edenborough […]
Composting with Year 3

“Year 3 had a visit from biodynamic gardening guru Chris Boswell recently to create a biodynamic compost pile. Emma Kain also volunteered her time to manage building the compost. Chris started […]
Kelly’s Message

Freedom When people hear that Steiner Schools aim to provide education towards freedom, they may sometimes think that the children are free to do as they like. This is not […]
Faculty Focus – Outgrowing their Teachers

Previous Next Teachers continually reflect on their craft and practice. When we close our eyes at night, how do we really know if we have done our job well? I […]