Welcome back to another term of great learning at Orana Steiner School. We extend a warm welcome to those joining us this term for the first time. We are optimistic that the challenges of the past couple of years are largely behind us, and we are approaching this term with the excitement of normality returning to our School grounds. The global pandemic is still with us, but we are learning new ways of being, and feel positive with how things are looking for the future.
It was lovely to have an assembly welcoming all students back on the first day of term.
We were able to acknowledge ANZAC Day, as well as celebrate some outstanding achievements by students.
Parent-teacher interviews continued in the first week of term and we hope both you and your child were able to receive some productive feedback.
Cross Country Championships were held in Physical Education classes over the past two weeks. Congratulations to all the students who participated. We are looking forward to the results of element group winners and individual achievements.
New learning enrichment activities have begun on Friday afternoons as part of the Learning Enrichment Program, such as Indoor Sports, Cooking, Robotics, Crafternoons, Tabletop games, Lego, Balance Fitness, Road Ready, and Earth Art. I’m sure you can imagine the joy I get to witness across the children’s faces, every Friday afternoon.
Guardians will be sent letters home next week, with further information on term events for your child’s class and up-coming events. Please be in touch with us if you have any questions or if you require clarification regarding your child.
Kelly Armstrong – Deputy Principal