Early Childhood Welcomes Spring

Where did the last 10 weeks go?

A big heartfelt welcome goes out to all of our new families in Early Childhood. You are in for a special learning journey with your children here at Orana.

As the warmer weather beckons the buds of Spring and brings about change, you might see a change in your child. For the four and five-year-old there is an endless flow of creative forces in their play, they are more interested in each other and their communication is more in depth than it was at age three.

Play objects such as a piece of wood can be transformed into what they have experienced in life and in an instant become something else such as a baby bottle then a telephone then a piece of food. Open ended materials and the combination of remembered experiences enhance the play at this stage.

For the four-year-old they are experiencing development in the rhythmic-feeling life which can be new and overwhelming. Tantrums can come out of the blue and catch you off guard.  Distraction is helpful if a tantrum is coming and keeping consistent rhythms and warm loving boundaries assist your child to feel secure and supported.

The five-year-old is able to carry on conversations in more depth and they are more cooperative in their play and work. Play becomes more purposeful and focused on a particular play theme.  When children reach around five and a half or so there is another change where children can become bored in play and appear listless. This too is a significant change as it heralds the six-year change. Children challenge the norm and for some, their inner rascal reveals itself. The older child needs to be physical; lots of running, climbing, jumping and assisting with practical work helps anchor the child to his or her own body.

It has been wonderful to see the changes in each and every child and as Spring warms our hearts we wish you all a safe and happy holiday.