From the Principal

A very warm welcome to Term 4, particularly to our new families. It has been so delightful to have the school grounds busy again with parents, grandparents and children. How many ways can we be grateful for everything that leads us to this point and sustains us going forward? Lists and lists could be created and even then, we would be remiss. Hopefully the Spring break brought goodness and fun as well as challenges and growth. Many thanks to the site team who were busy over the break before term started. Many hands created a wonderfully organised and attractive environment to return to. It’s a tireless job to maintain the grounds with the continual rainfall. Our Administration and IT team were also busy over the break getting tasks done that support the operations of the school to run seamlessly. Teachers and assistants have been busy planning exciting lessons and excursions for the coming weeks. There has been an exciting energy and buzz around the school with the many activities and events coming our way.

Snake Safety

It’s certainly that time of year when snakes are out and about exploring. Students have had educational and safety talks in March this year, and we are reinforcing these messages again in the coming weeks with students in their classes. We encourage parents to have these conversations with your children as well.

Year 12 Projects

In Week 4, the Class 12 students will be doing their Project Presentations. We wish them well with their final preparations and thank all the staff involved in helping them get to this point in the one-year process. Brenda Goggs is the Class 12 Project Coordinator and she has worked tirelessly in her role both with the children and with the organisation. We are so very grateful. Well done, too, to the parents on guiding your child through this process during the ups and downs. All community members are welcome to attend and encouraged to come and support our students.

Ministers Reading Challenge and Book Week

We received notification that Orana Primary School and in particular Classes 2, 3 and 4 received awards for their great participation in this year’s challenge. Great reading (and recording), congratulations!

The Book Fair was successful with all the sales generating $640 for the library to spend on new resources.  The money will mostly go towards providing multiple copies of books for Classes 3, 4 and 5 so that they can participate in student-run book clubs and reading groups.

The Book Swap raised money, especially from some very generous donations from parents.  We raised $302.45 for Steiner Schools in Ukraine – this has been donated and will obviously be well used.

Thank you to all our parents, staff and particularly Cheryl and Gabby for all your work to make this such a successful and fun week.

Kelly Armstrong — Principal