From the Principal

2023 Term Dates

The 2023 school term dates should form the basis of any holiday planning.

Term 1

Tuesday 31st Jan – Thursday 6th April.

Term 2

Monday 24th April – Friday 23rd June.

Term 3

Monday 17th July – Friday 22nd September.

Term 4

Monday 9th October – Friday 8th December.

Please strive to keep your children in school during the term and make plans to be absent during school holidays. Apart from the legal requirements to have children at school, there are important benefits to your child in being part of the ongoing teaching, learning and social emotional development.

Main Lessons missed are never repeated and form the essence of a structured curriculum. The Main Lessons through the years from Class 1 to Class 12 are experienced by everyone in the class and are designed to connect with the child at each developmental stage. On another note, what happens day to day informs our relationships and our way of relating. Missing significant chunks of school life can affect our social relations as everyone moves on in different ways. Of course, this can be mitigated and absence from school sometimes can’t be helped, but scheduling time away only during school holidays is one way to lessen the impact.

If your child is struggling with attendance and anxiety when coming to school, please be in touch with your class teacher or guardian so the school can work with you and your child to assist. It is important that this is addressed early for a successful outcome.

Class 12 Project Presentations

We hope all of our community take the opportunity to enjoy an enriching and enlightening experience courtesy of our graduating students this week. On Friday night from 6.00pm to 8.30pm and Saturday 9.00am to 1.30pm, we will be treated to their fascinating and insightful works, presented professionally and with passion. We look forward to seeing you over the weekend and wish our Year 12 students good luck!

Class 5 Greek Olympics

Class 5 have been at Birrigai this week returning to our annual Greek Olympic Camp. It was wonderful that students from Aurora Southern Highlands Steiner School and Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education were once again able to join us for this important camp. This is a very special event in the life of a child and to witness the sportsmanship, physical agility and beauty of movement on display as the City States compete is marvellous and fun! Thank you to Class 5 teachers Rachel Appleby and Julie Gray, Mike Brady for the organisation of the Olympics and assistance from Kirstie Brass and Class 11.

Spring Fair

This event is fast approaching and the P&F and Spring Fair committee have been working tirelessly in the back ground to get things organised. We are still looking for volunteers to assist in a range of areas, if you have any time available it would be really appreciated if you could put your name forward to assist.

Kelly Armstrong — Principal