Kelly’s Message


When people hear that Steiner Schools aim to provide education towards freedom, they may sometimes think that the children are free to do as they like. This is not at all the case. Freedom is a word that is sadly often misunderstood to mean licence. Licence is not freedom, if it were, the children would be at the mercy of their feelings. Even as adults, we prefer not to be in a situation where we are at the mercy of our feelings.

The unique quality of human beings is their capacity for conscious thought. During the 14 or so years of Kindergarten, Primary and High School life, we hope to support the development of well-rounded human beings. Last weekend the community saw what typifies the outcome of Steiner Education with our Class 12 students sharing their Independent Projects. We saw human beings who are able to feel deeply and broadly, to think penetratingly and clearly, and then to act rightly out of conscious and free choice.

The Class 12 Projects were excellent! There are many “Thanks” for the efforts of the many who supported our young adults through the Class 12 projects. We are blessed to have such a strong community that holds them so well. As you will know, the years from 14 to 21 are just as amazingly complex and difficult to navigate as the years from 0 to 7. Just as the infant, toddler and young child require care and support to transition into middle childhood, the teenager needs special care and support to transition through to adulthood. Many of these Class 12 students have commented publicly and privately what a struggle these transitional years have been and they have thanked the adults who have stood by them and let them develop and grow and thrive, in spite of their difficulties they have faced. Stronger for it, they have all emerged! Thank you.


Our Class 5 students attended the annual Class 5 Greek Olympics last week. This is a very special event in the life of a child and to witness the sportsmanship, physical agility and beauty of movement on display as the City States compete is marvellous and fun! Thank you to our Class 5 teacher’s, Mike Brady and all the helpers (including our Class 9 and 11 students) who hosted the event with 3 other Steiner schools and ran the day.

Class 6, 7 and 10 have all attended camps last week. It was wonderful to have our 6, 7 & 10’s together last week at Jindabyne exploring the outdoors, building connections with students and staff, challenging themselves, learning lessons and of course having fun. Many thanks to the staff  who attended for giving their time away from their own families to allow these opportunities for our students.

Staffing Update

I wish to share with you that Mandy Taylor will be leaving Orana to take up an exciting new opportunity elsewhere. As you all know, Mandy has made a significant contribution to our School, most recently in the Admissions space but also prior to this in High School Administration and Inclusive Education Administration. Mandy’s last day at Orana will be next Friday. Whilst it will be sad to see Mandy leave, we wish her well in her new chapter.