Primary School – The Importance of Warmth
The Importance of Warmth The evenings and early mornings have now started to bring the cold breath of Winter and it seems, almost suddenly, that our children’s wardrobes need updating
The Importance of Warmth The evenings and early mornings have now started to bring the cold breath of Winter and it seems, almost suddenly, that our children’s wardrobes need updating
Warmth The changing season has brought with it a few illnesses. A very big thank you to families who have kept their children home when their child is unwell. We
Dogs Connect: A whole-School wellbeing initiative We are excited to announce the launch of a new whole-School wellbeing initiative at Orana which will see the introduction of a wellbeing dog
Parents and Friends Association The Parents and Friends Association (P&F), hosted a School Shop sale, P&F Meet and Greet and complimentary afternoon tea for Orana families on Friday 12 May
Orana Art at the Autumn Art Fair With a wonderful display of student artworks, handworks and creative academic works, our School was represented on a crystal-clear Saturday morning for the
Athletics An awesome day of running, throwing and jumping enjoyed by all! Spirit Plate results: AIR winners, followed by EARTH, FIRE and WATER Athletics Cup won by EARTH (566pts), FIRE