Spring Festival in the Primary School

As the days slowly start to warm up and we leave the drudgery of winter behind, we have started to see many amazing wonders emerging from the gardens and natural areas around the school. Thanks to all the soaking rain we have experienced these past few weeks, the grounds have blossomed as if overnight and once hard and dry ground is teeming with growth, life and colour. The changing of the seasons always brings with it an excitement in the air as the end of term approaches and preparations are well underway for the next festival. This week, our Primary School students enjoyed the Spring Festival on the last day of term. The festival, held outdoors in the Amphitheatre and followed by traditional games run by the Year 5 students on the oval, was the highlight of the last week of term for our Kindergarten to Year 6 students.

The theme for this year’s Spring Festival was seeds and was chosen simply because they are amazing and the source of all life. Seeds are tiny, hard, and insignificant things that, when the conditions for life are right, have the potential to become enormous trees. Looking at a tiny gum seed which is one of an unfathomable number shaken out of a little gum nut, one might wonder at how that speck can ever become such a strong, tall gum tree. The Spring Festival theme of seeds has a strong connection with the Year 5 curriculum, as students have been learning all about seeds as part of their Botany Main Lesson this term. The Botany Main Lesson has instilled a wonder and appreciation of the plant world in the children that will bring them joy throughout their lives.

As the end of term nears, the Primary School has been noisy with the buzz of many class plays, performances, camps, and extracurricular events. We hope all our Primary School families have a safe and restful Spring holiday break and we look forward to welcoming all our families back for another full term ahead.

Sharaine Talip – Head of Primary School