The Turning Seasons

For young children, the seasons and their festivals are experienced as events of nature; with all their senses children are taking in the change that is happening around them.

In the Winter there is a growing mood of the outer sleepiness of the world around them. Through the stories, poems, songs and children’s own observations of nature children are experiencing a feeling of being blanketed for a winter’s nap.  Children begin to understand the cycle and rhythm of the turning earth, from the falling leaves, changes in colour from golden browns, yellows and crimson reds to cooler more subdued hues of greys and blues, the darkness that falls before dinner-time, the frosty mornings and the awe and wonder of the frost and ice that forms on the icy ground, the warmth from a fire, the absence of certain animals that have moved into their homes for hibernation from the cooler months. It is these perceptions and experiences, and our gratitude for them that we try and strengthen as we celebrate the festivals together.

King Winter (Verse)

(from Wynstones Press “Winter” book)

King Winter now is in the land,

he reigns with cold and freezing hand.

He makes Jack Frost touch nose and toes,

and gives our cheeks a shining glow.

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Now Winter Begins (Fingerplay)

by Jean Warren

Into their hives the busy bees crawl.

Into the ant hills, go ants one and all.

Caterpillars too, have hidden their heads,

Safely spun in their snug little beds.

The possums have all climbed to their holes in the trees.

The bird nests are empty, no chicks can we see.

The leaves have all blown away on the wind

Announcing to all – Now winter begins!

Fires are built in the hearths of homes.

Hats are knitted and coats are sewn.

Harsh winds blow all through the night.

Lights all flicker, what a sight!

Everyone waits for the first sight of snow,

Then down it comes, soft and slow.

The world is quiet, the world is white

Winter is here, a beautiful sight!