Primary – End of Term 2

As the world has started to open up again and we return to a new kind of ‘normal’, it has been wonderful to see all the exciting events happening around our school this term. From incursions and excursions, to camps, carnivals and music performances, it has been a very busy time for all our teachers and students.

Years 3 and 4 have ventured wide this term, with excursions to Mount Tennent, Ingelara Farm, and the Australian National Botanic Gardens as part of their Local Geography and Farming Main Lessons. Year 6 continued their studies of Astronomy and Geology, with excursions to the Tidbinbilla Deep Space Centre, Geoscience and a nighttime visit to the Mount Stromlo Observatory. Years 5 and 6 enjoyed their first camp experiences in almost three years when they attended overnight camps at Greenhills Centre at the Cotter. Students had a great time engaging with team building activities and spending time together as a cohort. Years 5 and 6 also participated in a fun day out at our annual Athletics Carnival for Years 5-12 at Chapman Oval at the start of the term. Congratulations to our Year 3 and 6 students on their wonderful performances at the Twilight Concert as part of National Reconciliation Week commemorations.

We also had many engaging and special events, incursions and workshops this term. Musica Viva brought their wonderful ensemble “Wyniss” to our Year 1 to 6 classes, where students engaged with beautiful Torres Strait Islander songs and dances for the day. Likewise, students in Years 5 to 7 enjoyed hands-on and practical mathematics activities with the World of Maths workshops. Finally, we ended the term with our annual Winter Solstice events, including the Kindergarten walk through Mother Earth’s Grotto, the Year 1 and 2 Spiral Walk, and Winter Festival. This is a very special time of year for our school, and it is wonderful to share many of these experiences with parents, grandparents and carers.

We hope all our Primary School families have a restful and restorative holiday break. We look forward to welcoming all families back in Term 3.

Sharaine Talip – Acting Head of Primary School